Take The Pledge
For health, dreams, and life – meeting the moment breaks barriers, uncaps potential, and permits black men to Live in Color. The color of prosperity. The color of hope. The color of magic. MTM provides access to reputable resources for chronic kidney disease and creates space for black thoughts, black futures, and black men to Live in Color.
The right to dream. The freedom to be. Born black, trying to live free. In urban communities nationwide, Black men and the privilege of long-term dreaming aren’t interconnected. Forced to live in segments due to systemic and generational oppression, it’s time to Meet the Moment.
Live In Color
As an African-American man, I pledge my commitment to the following principles:
The Right to Dream
The Right to be Free
The Right to Uncap Potential
The Right to Break Barriers
The Right to Take Control of My Health
The Right to Get out of the Grey
And Meet The Moment, with unwavering determination, resilience, and purpose and...
Join our powerful initiative and make a real impact by taking the pledge to support positive change in our community! We invite you to be part of this transformative movement and show your commitment by recording yourself taking the pledge. Share your video on social media using one of the following hashtags: #mottepmen, #liveincolor, or #meetthemoment, and #detroitmottep. Don't forget to tag us on social media at @detroitmottep, so we can include your voice in the ongoing conversation about change and progress. Together, we can create a brighter future and bring about meaningful change in our community. Let your voice be heard and join us in making a difference today!